Sunday, November 27, 2016

Don't waste those Thanksgiving leftovers!

Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Todays post is about using up every drop of that Turkey without getting sick of it.

You have probably heard how good that bone broth is for you!  So last year I started boiling all my meat bones and making bone broth.  It really started last Thanksgiving.

This year I was thinking way ahead for the healthiest way to preserve my Turkey left overs.  Starting with ordering a turkey from the Health food store.  Ya, it cost a bit more, but I know it wasn't raised in a turkey factory and pumped full of antibiotics and steroids.  And I have to tell you, it was delicious.

So yesterday morning I put that whole carcass in a big pot.  I left all the celery, onions and herbs right in it.   I filled the pot with water after adding a ton of my fresh herbs, more onions, celery, carrots and garlic.  After it came to a boil, I gave it a good stir, put the lid on tight and let it simmer for 4 hours.  (they say your supposed to simmer it for 12 hours to get the benefit of all the bones), but I didn't have that much time.  Then I strained it in a colander and then through a sieve to make sure I was just getting broth.  I ended up with about 5 quarts of beautiful broth.  And in the freezer it went.

Now for all that good turkey meat.  Another big pot filled with the neck legs and wings.  I boiled it for about an hour.  I then took out the bones and added celery, onion carrots garlic and thyme.  Once the veggies were cooked I added back in a bunch of meat.  I only left enough out for my Husband to get a few turkey sandwiches.  Now I have the start of some turkey and noodle or rice soup.  And in to the freezer it goes in 2 containers.  All I have to do is thaw it out and add the noodles or rice.

Now, what to do with those mashed potatoes?  Make soup, of course.  Yes, mashed potato soup.  That's what's for dinner tonight.  I already have the onion and celery cut up so it should be pretty easy.

Well that is it for now! 



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